• 3 T (43 g) butter, melted
  • Cocoa powder
  • 1 C (180 g) good quality dark chocolate, chopped into small pieces
  • ¾ C (172 g) plus 2 T (29 g) butter, in small pieces
  • 4 lg eggs
  • 4 lg egg yolks
  • 1 C (192 g) fine granulated sugar
  • 1½ C (187 g) flour


35 mins
Prep Time

10-12 mins
Cook Time

47 mins
Total Time


  • Brush melted butter on the inside of eight 1 C (225 ml) capacity molds; place in refrigerator or freezer to chill, then brush more melted butter over cold butter.
  • Sprinkle a little cocoa powder in molds; shake to completely coat molds and tap to remove any excess.
  • Slowly melt chocolate and butter together in a saucepan over a pan of barely simmering water.
  • Remove from heat; stir until cool; let stand 10 minutes.
  • In a large bowl, beat together eggs, yolks and sugar until so thick that a spoon dragged through mixture leaves a trail.
  • Sift flour into egg mixture; beat to incorporate.
  • Pour melted chocolate into egg mixture one third at a time, beating well between additions, until completely combined. Evenly divide mixture among molds. Chill molds at least 20 minutes or up to overnight before baking.
  • Heat oven to 375°F (200°C).
  • Place molds on a baking sheet and cook for 10–12 minutes (add 5 minutes if baking from frozen).
  • Remove when tops are crusty and start to pull away from sides; loosen gently until you can easily unmold them on serving plates, garnish and serve. The “lava” centers will remain soft.

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