• 16 oz (454 g) Valrhona or Scharffen Berger semisweet or dark chocolate
  • 1 C (237 ml) heavy cream
  • ½ tsp (2.5 g) black currant extract
  • ½ C (56 g) Valrhona or Scharffen Berger unsweetened cocoa powder*


20 mins
Prep Time

180 mins
Chilling Time

200 mins
Total Time


  • Line a baking sheet with waxed paper; set aside.
  • In a food processer, pulse chocolate into small pieces.
  • Heat cream in a small heavy saucepan over medium low until bubbles begin to appear around pan edges and cream begins to steam.
  • Pour cream over chocolate in food processor. Let stand 10 minutes, then blend until smooth.
  • Add extract; pulsing to blend.
  • Pour into a shallow bowl, cover and refrigerate until firm, about 3 hours.
  • Using a spoon, scoop out mixture and quickly roll into rough balls.
  • Place on baking sheet; if very soft, refrigerate another 30 minutes.
  • Place cocoa powder in a shallow bowl; roll balls in cocoa to coat.
  • Refrigerate in an airtight container up to 2 weeks. Serve at room temperature.

*You can also replace the cocoa powder with hazelnut or walnut meal. Be sure to use a good quality of chocolate as the flavor of the final candies will be dependent upon this.

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