For the Sugar Syrup:

  • ⅓ C plus 1¼ T (95 ml) water
  • ½ C plus 2 T (150 g) sugar
  • 2½ T (25 g) dextrose powder
  • 1 T (95 g) glucose syrup

For the Pumpkin Gelato:

  • 1¾ C (500 g) pumpkin pie filling
  • ⅔ C (145 ml) water

For the Pumpkin Filling:

  • 1½ C (400 g) pumpkin pie filling
  • 2¾ tsp (20 g) honey
  • ¾ tsp (2 g) ground cinnamon
  • 2½ T (20 g) ground ginger
  • 1¼ tsp (3 g) ground nutmeg
  • 2 lg eggs, beaten
  • ⅔ C (150 ml) heavy cream
  • ½ C (100 g) brown sugar

For the Tart Crust:

  • 1¾ lb (800 g) short dough

For the Crumble:

  • 5 oz (150 g) short dough

For the Crème Chantilly:

  • ⅔ C (150 ml) heavy cream
  • Seeds from ½ vanilla bean

For the Garnish:

  • ¼ C (5 g) garden cress


55 mins
Prep Time

50 mins
Cook Time

105 mins
Total Time


For the Sugar Syrup:

  • Boil all ingredients in pan on high, remove from heat; let cool.

For the Pumpkin Gelato:

  • Heat all ingredients in pan, stir in sugar syrup, heat to 140°F (60°C), cool to room temperature; chill overnight. Place in ice cream machine and freeze.

For the Pumpkin Filling:

  • Heat all ingredients in pan to 122°F (50°C), let cool to room temperature, transfer to an airtight container; chill overnight.

For the Tart Crust:

  • Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Grease 12 individual tart molds with nonstick spray. Roll out dough to ⅛ in (3 mm), cut and press dough gently into molds, bake 15–18 minutes or until set; cool to room temperature.

For the Crumble:

  • Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll out dough to ⅛ in (3 mm), transfer to baking sheet, bake until golden brown, let cool to room temperature; crumble.

For the Crème Chantilly:

  • Whisk cream and vanilla bean seeds until medium stiff peaks form; transfer to a piping bag (star tip).


  • Spread filling into tart crusts, remove tarts from molds, pipe cream rosettes around edges, plate with crumble and gelato; garnish with garden cress.

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